Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Assessment


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Title Authors Year Region
A shifting chessboard: Projections of prawn, capelin, mesopelagic fish, zooplankton, and their Nordic and Barents Seas food web under climate change Ina Nilsen, Cecilie Hansen, Isaac C. Kaplan Alaska
Development of climate informed management scenarios for fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea Anne Babcock Hollowed, Kirstin K. Holsman, Sarah P. Wise, Alan C. Haynie, Wei Cheng, Diana C. K. Evans, Albert J. Hermann, James N. Ianelli, Kelly A. Kearney, Andre E. Punt, Jonathan C. P. Reum, Diana L. Stram, Cody S. Szuwalski Alaska
Participatory place-based integrated ecosystem assessment in Sitka, Alaska: Constructing and operationalizing a socio-ecological conceptual model for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) Judith Rosellon-Druker, Marysia Szymkowiak, Kerim Y. Aydin, Curry J. Cunningham, Emily A. Fergusson, Stephen Kasperski, Gordon H. Kruse, Jamal H. Moss, Melissa Rhodes-Reese, Kalei S. Shotwell, Ellen Spooner, Ellen M.Yasumiishi Alaska
Sustaining an Alaska Coastal Community: Integrating Place Based Well-Being Indicators and Fisheries Participation Marysia Szymkowiak, Stephen Kasperski Alaska
Development of social-ecological conceptual models as the basis for an integrated ecosystem assessment framework in Southeast Alaska Judith Rosellon-Druker, Marysia Szymkowiak, Curry J. Cunningham, Stephen Kasperski, Gordon H. Kruse, Jamal H. Moss and Ellen M. Yasumiishi Alaska
A climate science: regional action plan for the Gulf of Alaska Martin Dorn, Curry Cunningham, Michael Dalton, Brian Fadely, Brandee Gerke, Anne Hollowed, Kirstin Holsman, Jamal Moss, Olav Ormseth, Wayne Palsson, Patrick Ressler, Lauren Rogers, Mike Sigler, Phyllis Stabeno, and Marysia Szymkowiak Alaska
Linking ecosystem processes to communities of practice through commercially fished species in the Gulf of Alaska Stephani G. Zador, Sarah K. Gaichas, Stephen Kasperski, Colette L. Ward, Rachael E. Blake, Natalie C. Ban, Amber Himes-Cornell, J. Zachary Koehn Alaska
A climate science regional action plan for the Gulf of Alaska Dorn, Martin William; Cunningham, Curry James; Dalton, Michael; Fadely, Brian S.; Gerke, Brandee Lynn; Hollowed, Anne Babcock; Holsman, Kirstin K.; Moss, Jamal Hasan Henry; Ormseth, Olav Aleksander; Palsson, Wayne A.; Ressler, Patrick Henry; Rogers, Lauren Anne; Sigler, Michael Frederick; Stabeno, Phyllis Jean; Szymkowiak, Maria. Alaska
Ecosystem considerations in Alaska: the value of qualitative assessments Stephani G. Zador, Kirstin K. Holsman, Kerim Y. Aydin, Sarah K. Gaichas Alaska
Wasp waist or beer belly? Modeling food web structure and energetic control in Alaskan marine ecosystems, with implications for fishing and environmental forcing Sarah Gaichas, Kerim Aydin, Robert C. Francis Alaska