News and Announcements

Dr. Jamison Gove Presents on Ecosystem Status Report for the Hawaiian Islands

December 13, 2023
Dr. Jamison Gove presented on the Hawai'i IEA Ecosystem Status Reports during NOAA Seminar Series

Hawai'i IEA's Dr. Jamison Gove presented on the Ecosystem Status Reports for the Hawaiian Islands during NOAA's Ecosystem Based Management/Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Seminar Series (EBM/EBFM) on December 13, 2023. The Hawai'i IEA team recently expanded their Ecosystem Status Report to include data from all of the major Hawaiian Islands. Data and results in the Ecosystem Status Report inform stakeholders and managers about trends and changes in the Hawaiian ecosystems. 


Watch Dr. Gove's presentation on NOAA's Central Library Youtube Channel. 

Link to the downloadable 2022 Hawai'i Ecosystem Status Report.